Friday, November 22, 2013

Expressive art heals depression

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. - Sigmund Freud
Of this famous line, Freud draws out the importance of self-expression not only as an art but also as a form of life that lives within the system of a person. Further, it emphasizes that suppressed emotions can lead a person to great danger if left hidden for a long time.

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The role of expressive art is no longer new in the field of psychiatric care. Through the years, the method of using art as a form of therapy has blossomed among psychiatric institutions, which today offers various types of expressive therapies, such as writing, dance, and psychodrama.

In several recent studies, the use of expressive arts therapy has proven to help people cope with their depression as it offers a safe haven for patients to explore their feelings, manage their behaviors, and resolve personal issues.

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One notable study proving the power of expressive art is a Brazilian experiment conducted on patients with major depressive disorder. In the study, the patients were divided into two groups: (1) the experimental group received individual and structured psychodramatic group sessions, while (2) the control group did not receive any form expressive arts therapy. Using the Social Adjustment Scale-Self-Report and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the experiment revealed that those who had received expressive art therapy sessions showed more improvement than those who did not partake in the activity.

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Over the course of his professional life, Dr. Gary Zomalt has helped clients regain a healthy life away from depression. Access more information on psychiatric health by following this Twitter page.

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