Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dr. Gary Zomalt: Developing a strong character through experience

Dr. Gary Zomalt did not become a renowned and respected psychotherapist overnight. For this dedicated medical practitioner, the recognition that he is given and the reputation he has today are products of the hard work he executed over the years.

From Gary Zomalt

Dr. Zomalt has a wide set of experiences in the field of healthcare -- experiences that have helped in defining how effective he is as a psychotherapist and as a part of different medical institutions. He once worked as a program manager for the San Diego County Mental Health Services Department. Because of the time and effort he has given to improve himself even early on in his career, Dr. Gary Zomalt was able to climb the corporate ladder and became the director of the Fresco County Department of Children and Family Services (CFS).

Dr. Gary Zomalt Photo Credit: jepoirrier

He is also regarded as a significant part of the implementation of the California Proposition 63 or the Mental Health Services Act that seeks to provide increased funding, personnel, and other resources in order to support county mental health programs, and also to monitor progress on medical goals set for children, adolescents, adults, and older people.

But beneath the high stature bequeathed to him by many, Dr. Zomalt still remains loyal to his original goal as a member of the healthcare industry and that is to aid people through his medical skills and knowledge.

Dr. Gary Zomalt Photo Credit: yepy_hardi

Know more about Dr. Gary Zomalt by visiting his Twitter and Facebook pages.

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